Most people do not think much about what they wear. They wake up and pick out an outfit that works for the weather and get on with their lives. Putting both legs into pant legs, buttoning up a shirt, and pulling on socks are actions that most people take for granted. The simple act of getting dressed in the morning for people with disabilities can be mentally and physically draining. It can often take up time in the day that could be used for other purposes.

Historically, people with disabilities have had to be creative. We replace buttons with Velcro, cut holes into shirts for feeding tubes, cut out tags that can irritate the skin. Even wearing socks around our waists to hold insulin pumps is one of these inventions. This has been the world in which we have been designed to inhibit, not inclusive of the needs that we require for everyday living. This is exhausting. We have adapted our lives to fit the mold that society has developed for us, demonstrating that we do not fully belong to our own lives.

When companies demonstrate that they are inclusive, it sends a message that they care.

Regardless of if all individuals will benefit from changes in design and manufacturing. It demonstrates to other minority groups that they are interested in inclusion and belonging and are willing to make adjustments to aid in diversity efforts. In this time where we all need to ensure that diversity is celebrated and acknowledged, more emphasis needs to be placed on the representation of individuals with disabilities. Clothing plays a major role in our lives, and we need to ensure that everyone has access to it.

Disability is one of the minority groups that anyone has the possibility of being a part of at any time

You never know where life will take you and when in a moment’s notice you will have to consider more than just how cold it is outside when getting dressed. When you are thrown into
In this position, it is crucial that you feel that you have options to adapt to this new lifestyle.

This fact is often daunting and can limit the discussion around disability, but it is one that needs to be discussed more widely. It is essential to all of society that we can shift and adjust to the
curveballs that life throws at us and this can be aided by the companies that we depend upon to help shape and develop our identities.
In advance, more thought needs to be given to customers that lay outside of the straight line that companies design their products for.
We need to have clothing that allows us to express ourselves while being able to have them serve the needs that we require. We must start making life more accessible, and this can begin with clothing. By providing the opportunity for disabled individuals to be able to buy clothes that make them feel confident, comfortable, and accepted, will do wonders for the mental health and belonging of our community.

Diversity and inclusion matter

Acceptance of differences matters. The adaption of designs may seem trivial to some, but it demonstrates to those of us with disabilities that we matter in the world, and society actively wants us to be a part of it. When companies design for individuals with disabilities, we all benefit from it. We all get to live in a society that is accepting and celebrates differences and diversity.

Next time you pick out your clothes for the day, keep in mind how it would be difficult to button your shirt with a missing hand. How hard it would be to put on your shoes if you are not able to balance. How difficult it is to put on pants in a wheelchair. Take a moment to think of the extra steps that are necessary to feel confident in your skin and fully belong in society.

Check how inclusive your brand is via the Palta quiz.